Monday, September 26, 2011

The ABC's of Me!

So yes, I have not posted since I've been to NYC. There will be a full update on that in the near future. So much has happened!

But for now enjoy this post inspired by Miss Cari Cotogno. :D I saw it, liked it and am now sharing with y'all. Happy Monday!

Age: 23... almost 24... wow
Bed Size: twin - womp womp. Welcome to New York City livin'
Chore You Hate: washing dishes
Dogs: Cats. I love my cat Beau. Miss him terribly as he is living in TX with my family while I'm up here in NY. And I hate how pretentious Dog people are! I like dogs but prefer cats... GET OVER IT.
Essential Start To Your Day: Brushing my teeth. I don't feel human until I do.
Favorite Color: Pink - I'm such a girl (runners up: Purple, Maroon and Red)
Gold or Silver: Gold, hands down.
Height: 5'3"
Instruments You Play: Piano and my vocal chords, aka singing (used to play violin and clarinet as well)
Job Title: Assistant Account Manager at Launchpad Advertising
Kids: one day... in the not near future
Live: in New York City!!!
Mom's Name: Donna
Nicknames: Kell, Kellbell, Cox, KCox, Miss Cox, any variation of my last name - people think its funny...
Overnight Hospital Stays: none, phew!
Quotes From A Movie: "You're killing me Smalls!" "Whoops? WHOOPS? My insurance does not cover PMS!"
Right or Left Handed: Right
Siblings: Sister- Brea. She lives in Nashville and is visiting me THIS WEEKEND!!! SO EXCITED!
Time You Wake Up: Weekdays- 8am. Weekends- whenever I feel like it!
Underwear: always
Vegetable You Hate: beets... GROSS
What Makes You Run Late: my hair... its always the culprit
X-rays: tons... I've sprained my ankle a lot
Yummy Food You Make: pumpkin muffins, pecan pie, french onion soup, chicken enchiladas, broccoli casserole
Zoo Animal: Dolphin. I love dolphins. Used to want to be a Marine Biologist and work with them... then discovered I hated science- that dream ended quick :)

And there you go! The ABC's of Me!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Something to Live By

(one of my favorite quotes)

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets

So LOVE the people who treat you RIGHT,

FORGET about the ones who don't

And believe that everything happens for a reason

If you get a chance, take it

If it changes your life, let it

Nobody said that it would be easy,

They just promised it would be worth it

Saturday, July 9, 2011

From the Lone Star State to the Big Apple

It's finally happened.

Most of you that know me, know that I have always wanted to live in New York City. I fell in love with the city the first time I went there and I knew that one day I would have to make it my home.

Also, as many of you know I'm a nerd about advertising and have wanted to work for an agency since college.

Well- my two dreams are colliding right in front of me. I have accepted a job as an Assistant Account Executive at Launchpad Advertising in NYC. I am really sad to leave everybody here in Texas. I have lived here for over 10 years and can't believe it wont be my home anymore! Not to mention I'll be leaving some really great friends behind. But I am SO excited for the adventure ahead.

I start on August 1st so I'll be moving in 3 weeks. 3 WEEKS! I don't know how I'm ever going to get everything ready by then. I also don't have a place to live yet- so if anyone knows anyone- HELP please :)

I'll be posting all about my new adventure here on my blog so if you want to keep up with what's going on you can come here. I hope to have more to tell y'all later and will probably pictures of the tornado that has already hit my apartment.

until next time...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Little Duckies!

It would take my mom to remind me of something like this. I've been so busy I hadn't even thought about it.


I have been blogging for a year today! I can't wait to see what the next year of my adult life brings. I can tell that some exciting things are on the horizon for my second year and I can't wait to share with you what the next year brings!

Until next time... just keep swimming!

Monday, June 27, 2011

For Example

You know those Cannes Lions I was talking about? Here are some Gold Lion Winners. I was going to talk about my favorite ones but I just couldn't pick! However definitely don't miss:

-H2Oh!, "Braids"
-Volkswagen, "The Force" (I still smile everytime I see this one)
-Heiniken, "The Entrance"
-Google Chrome, "Speed Tests" (the potato one is blow-your-mind cool)
-Scope, "See The Person"

Ok, now you get my problem about picking favorites?? But seriously watch them all. They do not disappoint.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival.

If you are in advertising I really don't have to say more.

[However, for my other followers allow me to explain. This festival awards the best in the advertising business with the coveted Lion award and it is one of the largest gatherings of industry professionals held every year.]

I would love to go to this festival pas seulement parce que je parle francais et j'adore tous les chose francais but also to witness first-hand the best advertising made... and bump shoulders with the people responsible for creating that work. Which is why when I heard of this idea I was green with envy.

This is such an awesome endeavor- the kind that makes you jealous that you didn't think of it yourself. And it's no wonder that such creativity came out of DDB Paris.

Check out how these creatives are planning to make it to the Cannes Lions and follow their journey:

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

To be a Fly on the Wall...

One of my favorite things about graduating from my school years and being an "adult" is that I get to read books that I am actually interested in reading. It has really opened up a whole new world for me. Mostly I read fiction books from the murder-mystery section of the bookstore, but I will also throw in books about advertising in the mix, because I strive to be a constant student of life (sound advice from from an industry leader).

Well I am only on chapter 5, but I already want to gush about how much I LOVE this book.

Who (in advertising) wouldn't want to learn from one of the greats in the industry? This is a great look back into David Ogilvy's career. He also gives GREAT advice for all aspects of the advertising world. I would love to have been a fly on the wall in David Ogilvy's office. I can't even imagine the things I could have learned.

So, if you want to understand why I am a total nerd about advertising, you should read this. And if you are just starting out in the industry- READ THIS. Even though it was published in 1983 (yeah, that was several years before I was even born), the ideas and advice still ring true today. Plus there are a lot of pictures... and who doesn't love a book with a lot of pictures?

I can't wait to finish!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I don't know where this was taken, who this is, or why in the world he is kayaking through rubber duckies.... but WHERE DO I SIGN UP?!

(image courtesy of <- best idea ever)

Friday, May 6, 2011

It Only Happens Once....

Last weekend, my friend Lyndsay and I went to the wedding of one of our wonderful sorority sisters. As we are heading home, I realize that I need gas... bad. So, I get off the interstate to the feeder road intending to stop at the first gas station I see. Of course there isn't one ANYWHERE close. Fantastic. We finally came upon an HEB that had a gas station out front. Perfect, crisis averted.... wrong.

As I pull up to the stop light across the intersection from the gas station, my gas pedal feels funny and it is really hard to break at the light. Uh oh. This is bad. When the light turns green I step on the gas pedal and nothing. Lyndsay is in disbelief. No, no this isn't happening 100 ft from the gas station.

Yes, yes it is.

I put on my flashers and tell Lyndsay to get into the driver's seat. I go around to the back. The only option is to push it to the gas station... in heels... and a dress... this is going to go swimmingly. I take a deep breath and put all my strength into the first push- I swear it moved an inch. I had more confidence in my strength and was sorely disappointed (and I am also still sad I do not have photographic evidence of my attempt- I can laugh at myself).

Lucky for me a few gentlemen appeared out of nowhere (seriously- I asked one of them where he came from... "Heaven" was his response... I didn't argue). We push it to the gas station (and by we I mean them because I couldn't keep up in heels- one guy even suggested I just sit in the car). I fill up- gas prices are seriously getting out of control- and Lyndsay and I go on our merry way.

It only has to happen to you once. I will never go that long without getting gas ever again.

You have been warned!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


When I was little, every time my dad would go on a business trip, he would bring me a little something back. Usually these were give aways from trade shows (but as a kid, I didn't know this- I paid no mind to the company logos that donned my highlighters, yo-yo's and thing-a-ma-bobs).

I sometimes joke with him when he goes on trips now wondering where my present is from daddy's trip. Alas, the trade show gadgets are just not as appealing as they once were. Then again, I have gotten some cool gifts from the rents when they get back from trips so I don't complain.

Imagine my surprise when my co-worker gets back from NOLA and she has brought me a little something... Mardi Gras light up ducks!!! YAY! I was so delighted.

The Rubber Ducky Rebellion strikes again!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Best. News. Ever.

So, I follow this blog called "Things 90's Kids Realize" (I credit my friend Adam for introducing me to it). It's a pretty amazing collection of facts about things kids who grew up in the 90's loved/love. I open my google reader today to check up on the blogs I follow and this one had a new post. Delight!

Basically, in summary, the TV channel Teen Nick is going to start airing re-runs of some awesome shows from the 90's! The line up includes Rugrats, Kenan & Kel, The Amanda Show, Pete & Pete, All That and Clarissa Explains It All. Basically I loved all of these shows as a kid and I got super excited that I could now watch them again!

Now for the sad part....

Because, as a big girl, I have these things called bills... and a not so glamorous paycheck, I decided to go without cable. Meaning I get the 5 local channels from a digital antennae- and that's it. Meaning no Teen Nick. Meaning no watching re-runs of these awesome shows. Meaning sad me.

But for all my other 90's kids out there who can indulge in cable programming, I hope you find joy in knowing that you can again watch these classics from a great era.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Something to Think About


Think about who you respect the most. No, really, think about it right now. Think about who you most try to be like because of the respect you have for them.

Got that person in your head? Good.

Now think of 3 traits about that person that cause you to respect them. Write them down on a piece of paper. Really think about it.

Got those written down? because really you should write them down now. When you're done, scroll to the end...


Now look at the three things that you wrote down. Above these qualities write the words "I am:"

This is a cool exercise because those three traits you wrote down are things that describe you. Really, it's true. We so often put ourselves down and refuse to believe how great we are. Put this sheet of paper somewhere where you can see it daily to remind yourself that you are those traits... whether your inner voice chooses to believe it or not.

Day 2

6:45 was the wake up time today. Not bad, not good. But still better earlier than I usually rise so I still look at it as progress.

Now what to do with my morning...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 1: Becoming a Morning Person

It's just my luck.

I decided to embark on this challenging endeavor -trust me, if you've ever lived with me you know that getting up early aint my thing- to start my day off right and actually get some things done.

Well go figure that the night before I'm going to begin this journey... I get NO SLEEP.

Beau decided at 2:14am that it was time to play. He jumps up the bed and then onto me with a toy. Out of frustration I pick up the toy and throw it across the room with a grumble. Silly me. When you have a cat that fetches, this only encourages his behavior. So Beau runs over grabs the toy and promptly jumps right back on the bed, sets the toy down in front of him, and then sits and stares at me. Great. I just turn over hoping he will go away. Then I realize that I can read the clock clearly, which means I didn't take out my contacts before falling asleep (I was too excited to get some rest and wake up early). So I have to get up and take them out- unless I want my eyes dying the next morning.

5:24- Beau wakes me up again. I don't know what his issue is at this point but I've about had it. I roll over and attempt to go back to sleep- although at this point its pointless.

6:10- the alarm in the bathroom goes off... fantastic. I get up turn all the lights on and stand there for a few seconds- then promptly walk back to my room and lay back down.

6:25- I actually get out of bed and begin my day. This in itself is an accomplishment because I usually get up around 7:20 and have about 40 minutes to get ready for work.

SO Day 1 was a success... my dear friend thinks I will only last till Wednesday (she is a former roomie so I understand her skepticism) BUT I am determined to at least make it the whole week.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dare I Say It?

I have decided that I want to get an earlier start to my day. You know, get up, work out, read the news, eat some breakfast, get ready for my day... all at a leisurely pace. There's only one problem. I'm not exactly a morning person... and by not exactly, I really mean not at all. But I really wish I was one. So I'm going to train myself to get up in the morning and do these things. I'll probably have to put my alarm clock in the bathroom just to get me out of bed but, desperate times call for desperate measures.

I'll report how this is working out for me as the week goes on. Wish me luck!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Luck o' the Irish

Pan to me, standing in my closet... contemplating what in the world I am going to wear. You are probably thinking that I have some big important event that is causing my indecision. Alas, no. I am simply trying to find something green to wear because it is ST PATRICK'S DAY! I think I have PTSD from getting pinched in grade school for not wearing green on this day. That fear alone would make you beg your mother to take you to the store just to find something green.

This happens every year on this day. I never have something appropriate in green to wear. It's either a sweater (when it's 75 degrees out) or not work appropriate (i.e. I bought this shirt last year to go to the bar on St. Patty's). This shouldn't happen to me, I am half Irish, you would think I would have more green things!

So I wore the sweater... with gold accessories of course. And go figure, I am one of 2 people in my office wearing green today... did everyone else not get pinched when they were younger?!

So Happy St. Patty's to everyone! Drink some green beer, kiss someone Irish (which I am... so I'm waiting...), and have a merry ol' time.

May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face and
The rain fall softly on your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fasion Fades...

...only STYLE remains the same.
- Coco Chanel

Yesterday, I was awarded the "Stylish Blogger Award" from my friend and coworker Timberley who writes the blog Daily Dose of Crazy. She thinks I have style and I'm not gonna argue with her. Thank you Timberley for reading and enjoying my little blog. I'm glad that I get to share my "growth" with you (anytime I have to try something new, Timberley justifies it by telling me it's growth... like that's gonna make me eat onions... PSH!).

So now I get to tell you all a little bit more about myself and nominate some blogs I follow for this award.

Seven Random Facts About ME....
  1. I'm still afraid of the dark- which probably has some deep psychological meaning... but really its just creepy
  2. I HATE spiders of any size, shape, color or ethnicity
  3. I have a wonderful family who is always there for me no matter what
  4. I don't think anyone will ever understand me to the level at which my best friend Robyn does
  5. I hate onions, but I love French Onion Soup
  6. If any of my nail polish on any finger chips, I feel uncomfortable until all of the nail polish is off all my fingers
  7. I love shoes because no matter what my shape is that day, my shoes will always fit (I guess until I have children but that is a LONG ways away)

Introducing: My Stylish Bloggers!
(In no particular order...)

Timberley with the Daily Dose of Crazy. Timberley's blog always keeps me entertained. Although I love hearing the stories in person in the office everyday. It's like being an insider to the blog :)

Cari with Cotogno [kuh-tohn-yoh]. Cari is my wonderful first roommate from college (1 of 4 awesome girls who lived in 227). I love keeping up with what's going on in her life and even her daily rants (except I really love 'Black and Yellow' even if it is degrading haha).

Carolyn with Whiskie Business. If the name of the blog isn't enough to get you hooked, her yummy recipes (and pictures of those tasty treats) are enough to make your mouth water. Carolyn is a sorority sister from my college years who now lives in NYC. It is great to see her sharing these recipes in her small flat. I am going to attempt one of them one day I promise.

Erin with The Umbrella Tree. Though she hasn't updated it in a while (shame on you!) I love checking this out to see my wonderful cousin's beautiful artwork and photography. Erin and I are four days apart in age and have been thick as thieves since then. She is a wonderful artist and I supremely hope it takes her wonderful places really soon.

Though not a typical blog, you should also check out my friend LaShanta's online magazine DECLARE that I occasionally write for. It is an awesome and she is definitely going places!

Your Turn!
Here are the rules:
Thank and link back to the blogger who gave you the award.
Share seven things about yourself.
Award your top bloggers, and be sure to let them know!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


As you may know, the weather in TX has recently gotten very chilly. And we southern folk aren't accustomed to these frigid somewhat cold temperatures. I use the term 'we' loosely because I have lived all over the country and am well aware and used to what an actual winter looks and feels like, and I'll be honest- I miss it.

However silly it was that the ENTIRE city shut down last Friday, I was not going to gripe about the opportunity to have a snow day... in South Texas. My office was told to come in about an hour late but to stand by in case they actually did close our office. So around 7am, my phone goes off and it is the BEST news any working person dreams of hearing everyday before they get their IV cup of coffee: "Kelley. Stay home. We are closing the office today." It no longer mattered that I was awoken early from my slumber. I jumped out of bed (almost literally) and looked out my window because I knew that surely a beautiful white blanket of snow would be awaiting my gaze on the other side of the window... GOTCHA! There was no snow, no beautiful winter scene... it was just wet- and cold. With utter disappointment I crawled back in bed and proceeded to commence my Snow(less) Day- by sleeping and watching movies ALL DAY.

Now before you judge me for wasting and entire day doing nothing remember my post about how the drivers in my city can't even handle the rain. You can only imagine what happens when you take that water and freeze it. Its like the apocalypse raining down. I think there were upwards of 800 wrecks that day- and no that is not a joke... my mommy told me so. Southerners should never be put in a real winter situation- I think the entire population would be wiped out in 24 hours. My sister, who lives in Tennessee, was understandably a little miffed that I got a day off when she went to work in true winter conditions.

All-in-all it was a day well spent- safe and warm in my own apartment. The weather reports are saying it is going to get back in the 20's today... it's also raining... Let's all say a little prayer that I make it home tonight.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


.... huh?

Antatidaephobia is the fear that somewhere in the world, there is a duck watching you.... Thank you OMG Facts for once again "blowing my mind".

I'm sure glad that I don't have this particular phobia considering there are currently 5 rubber duckies sitting on my desk staring right at me. Maybe I'll have to turn them around today, they look like they're up to something...

(Photo Credit:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Ice Box

No, its not what you're thinking. You're envisioning the plastic white receptacle holding cubes of ice inside of your freezer. Or maybe you're old fashioned and see a huge cube if ice that you have to chip away at (don't worry, I just learned that that's what they did in the 50's to get ice... so my mind wasn't going there either).

What I'm really talking about is my office space- bet you didn't see that one coming. Daily I come to the office and prepare to freeze most of the day. When it was 90 degrees outside in the middle of summer I was coming to work in sweaters. I didn't care if I was smothered outside, because inside I at least had the small chance to be warm...ish. I also have a snuggie that lives on the back of my chair- yes a snuggie, don't judge... I don't want to wear a robe backwards to I bought the blanket with sleeves... and its zebra print so it's totally legit. Sure I get sideways glances from my co-workers as they pass my desk, but they're probably just jealous. It doesn't help that my office mate sitting next to me is never cold. It makes me feel like I have some type of neurosis and the chill is all in my head.

The final step towards my warmth came today when my coworker brought me her space heater. It was like Christmas morning all over again! Now I would be able to go about my day in warmth. How glorious!

Now if only the heater in my car worked...