Tuesday, May 31, 2011

To be a Fly on the Wall...

One of my favorite things about graduating from my school years and being an "adult" is that I get to read books that I am actually interested in reading. It has really opened up a whole new world for me. Mostly I read fiction books from the murder-mystery section of the bookstore, but I will also throw in books about advertising in the mix, because I strive to be a constant student of life (sound advice from from an industry leader).

Well I am only on chapter 5, but I already want to gush about how much I LOVE this book.

Who (in advertising) wouldn't want to learn from one of the greats in the industry? This is a great look back into David Ogilvy's career. He also gives GREAT advice for all aspects of the advertising world. I would love to have been a fly on the wall in David Ogilvy's office. I can't even imagine the things I could have learned.

So, if you want to understand why I am a total nerd about advertising, you should read this. And if you are just starting out in the industry- READ THIS. Even though it was published in 1983 (yeah, that was several years before I was even born), the ideas and advice still ring true today. Plus there are a lot of pictures... and who doesn't love a book with a lot of pictures?

I can't wait to finish!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I don't know where this was taken, who this is, or why in the world he is kayaking through rubber duckies.... but WHERE DO I SIGN UP?!

(image courtesy of stumbleupon.com <- best idea ever)

Friday, May 6, 2011

It Only Happens Once....

Last weekend, my friend Lyndsay and I went to the wedding of one of our wonderful sorority sisters. As we are heading home, I realize that I need gas... bad. So, I get off the interstate to the feeder road intending to stop at the first gas station I see. Of course there isn't one ANYWHERE close. Fantastic. We finally came upon an HEB that had a gas station out front. Perfect, crisis averted.... wrong.

As I pull up to the stop light across the intersection from the gas station, my gas pedal feels funny and it is really hard to break at the light. Uh oh. This is bad. When the light turns green I step on the gas pedal and nothing. Lyndsay is in disbelief. No, no this isn't happening 100 ft from the gas station.

Yes, yes it is.

I put on my flashers and tell Lyndsay to get into the driver's seat. I go around to the back. The only option is to push it to the gas station... in heels... and a dress... this is going to go swimmingly. I take a deep breath and put all my strength into the first push- I swear it moved an inch. I had more confidence in my strength and was sorely disappointed (and I am also still sad I do not have photographic evidence of my attempt- I can laugh at myself).

Lucky for me a few gentlemen appeared out of nowhere (seriously- I asked one of them where he came from... "Heaven" was his response... I didn't argue). We push it to the gas station (and by we I mean them because I couldn't keep up in heels- one guy even suggested I just sit in the car). I fill up- gas prices are seriously getting out of control- and Lyndsay and I go on our merry way.

It only has to happen to you once. I will never go that long without getting gas ever again.

You have been warned!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


When I was little, every time my dad would go on a business trip, he would bring me a little something back. Usually these were give aways from trade shows (but as a kid, I didn't know this- I paid no mind to the company logos that donned my highlighters, yo-yo's and thing-a-ma-bobs).

I sometimes joke with him when he goes on trips now wondering where my present is from daddy's trip. Alas, the trade show gadgets are just not as appealing as they once were. Then again, I have gotten some cool gifts from the rents when they get back from trips so I don't complain.

Imagine my surprise when my co-worker gets back from NOLA and she has brought me a little something... Mardi Gras light up ducks!!! YAY! I was so delighted.

The Rubber Ducky Rebellion strikes again!