It's just my luck.
I decided to embark on this challenging endeavor -trust me, if you've ever lived with me you know that getting up early aint my thing- to start my day off right and actually get some things done.
Well go figure that the night before I'm going to begin this journey... I get NO SLEEP.
Beau decided at 2:14am that it was time to play. He jumps up the bed and then onto me with a toy. Out of frustration I pick up the toy and throw it across the room with a grumble. Silly me. When you have a cat that fetches, this only encourages his behavior. So Beau runs over grabs the toy and promptly jumps right back on the bed, sets the toy down in front of him, and then sits and stares at me. Great. I just turn over hoping he will go away. Then I realize that I can read the clock clearly, which means I didn't take out my contacts before falling asleep (I was too excited to get some rest and wake up early). So I have to get up and take them out- unless I want my eyes dying the next morning.
5:24- Beau wakes me up again. I don't know what his issue is at this point but I've about had it. I roll over and attempt to go back to sleep- although at this point its pointless.
6:10- the alarm in the bathroom goes off... fantastic. I get up turn all the lights on and stand there for a few seconds- then promptly walk back to my room and lay back down.
6:25- I actually get out of bed and begin my day. This in itself is an accomplishment because I usually get up around 7:20 and have about 40 minutes to get ready for work.
SO Day 1 was a success... my dear friend thinks I will only last till Wednesday (she is a former roomie so I understand her skepticism) BUT I am determined to at least make it the whole week.