No, its not what you're thinking. You're envisioning the plastic white receptacle holding cubes of ice inside of your freezer. Or maybe you're old fashioned and see a huge cube if ice that you have to chip away at (don't worry, I just learned that that's what they did in the 50's to get ice... so my mind wasn't going there either).
What I'm really talking about is my office space- bet you didn't see that one coming. Daily I come to the office and prepare to freeze most of the day. When it was 90 degrees outside in the middle of summer I was coming to work in sweaters. I didn't care if I was smothered outside, because inside I at least had the small chance to be warm...ish. I also have a snuggie that lives on the back of my chair- yes a snuggie, don't judge... I don't want to wear a robe backwards to I bought the blanket with sleeves... and its zebra print so it's totally legit. Sure I get sideways glances from my co-workers as they pass my desk, but they're probably just jealous. It doesn't help that my office mate sitting next to me is never cold. It makes me feel like I have some type of neurosis and the chill is all in my head.
The final step towards my warmth came today when my coworker brought me her space heater. It was like Christmas morning all over again! Now I would be able to go about my day in warmth. How glorious!
Now if only the heater in my car worked...
I got one of those! My lovely coworker brought one in for me :)