Thursday of last week was much like any other work day. I drove my nice little commute and was diligently working when a co-worker starts calling my name. Curious (and secretly dreading I'm about to be given a new task), I walked around the corner to our reception area. Before my eyes on the reception desk sat the best mid-work-day surprise ever invented: An Edible Arrangements.

When the holy lights faded and I grasped the fact that this cute, edible treat was mine... I started to think. Who in the world is sending me such a wonderful treat?? My parents are out of the country... and let's face it, they are the only one's I received flowers from in the last, well, we wont talk about how many years that's been. And I certainly don't have any suitors who are sending me presents in the middle of the day for no reason... so, this has got to be a mistake and this yummy goodness is, alas, not for me. But fear not dear friends. The cute duckie filled with fresh fruit is indeed mine! I open the card to read "The Rubber Ducky Rebellion Strikes Again!" love, The Sister. This therefore proves the fact that I have the BEST big sister in the entire world.
This wonderful gesture was to congratulate me on receiving my first, real big-girl job! Yet another step into the real world for this writer. Small steps that are bringing me ever closer to that thing called adulthood (I know scary word... I'm sorry for having to use it here but we must all one day embrace the word and it's meaning).
So basically I have an AWESOME sister that I am truly blessed to have. Thanks big sis for loving me and helping this little duckie find her place in the world. LOVE YOU.
p.s. the picture says it all!
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